Relationship Management

Why Still Bother With Gender Factor in Sales Communication in 2024
Why Still Bother With Gender Factor in Sales Communication in 2024 As a salesperson, you know your target audience inside out, don't you?  But when it comes to planning sales content that would hook them, how much attention do you pay to their gender? Men and women read and perceive information differently.  Depending on words, images, and meanings you use in a marketing message, its sales outcome may differ when read by either gender. Sure, customer types go far beyond gender.  However, the difference between female and male perception makes it challenging for sales representatives to come up with pitches that would resonate with their multi-gendered audience. Let's reveal these differences....
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The 50 Best Sales Books of All Time [By Category]
The 50 Best Sales Books of All Time [By Category] “Who has time for reading?” You may ask yourself every time you come across an article like this. Well, let me give you some names… Bill Gates reads more than 50 books per year. Elon Musk learned how to build rockets by reading books. Warren Buffett reads 5 to 6 hours a day. And the list just goes on and on. They are obvious proof that success is closely linked to reading. If they can make time for it, you can too. Here’s a list of the 50 best sales books of all time organized by categories. Pick up the right ones....
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7 Skills You’ll Need to Become A Sales Manager
7 Skills You’ll Need to Become A Sales Manager Do you want to become a sales manager? Then you’ve made a wise choice. Sales managers are the steering force behind the success of most sales organizations. And because of this, it’s an exceedingly rewarding career. But keep in mind that it can be very demanding and stressful sometimes—in fact, a survey conducted by PayScale found that 73% of salespeople rated their role as highly stressful. As a sales manager, you get to handle most activities like meeting quotas, keeping your team accountable, and inspiring and coaching your team.  There’s hardly a slow day for a sales manager. To succeed as....
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Customer Lifetime Value: Everything You Need to Know
Customer Lifetime Value: Everything You Need to Know What is the value of a lead? Data shows that a lead’s value goes well beyond that first sale.  In fact, a recent survey found that  61% percent of SMB revenue comes from repeat customers. This is why businesses find it hard to calculate the true ROI of their lead generation expenses. While it’s simple to calculate the lead generation cost on a single sale, that really doesn’t give you the whole picture. In order to get a clear understanding of lead generation ROI, you have to compare it to your average customer lifetime value. In this blog, we’ll explore: What....
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17 Actionable Tips to Nail Your Sales Pitch in 2024
17 Actionable Tips to Nail Your Sales Pitch in 2024 Salespeople spend about one-third of their day talking to prospects. If you don’t know how to use that time effectively, it will be a total waste of time.  Having an effective sales pitch is crucial to get your prospect excited about your offering. It also paves the way for the most important step in the sales process - closing the deal. Want to be a master at pitching your product?  These 17 actionable tips will help you prepare, present, and effectively conclude your sales pitch to captivate your prospects.
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