Sales Process

Measuring Sales Performance: Key Metrics for Outside Sales Teams
Measuring Sales Performance: Key Metrics for Outside Sales Teams Building and maintaining customer relationships with face-to-face interactions can be tough for field sales teams. Not to mention, prospecting and qualifying leads can take time away from those face-to-face interactions. To make sure these sales efforts go without a hitch, are you tracking metrics and key sales performance indicators? In this post, we offer a complete guide to the key sales performance metrics you should be looking at to help you determine what your outside sales team is doing well and where there’s room for improvement.  That way, you can tweak your sales strategy so that you’re on track to....
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The Power of Questions in Sales
The Power of Questions in Sales Want to better influence the sales process from beginning to end?  The secret lies in asking the right sales questions, not just talking about your product or service. Many salespeople believe that spending most of their time discussing and displaying their offerings is the best approach, but the truth is that telling is not selling.  Selling is about helping the other person understand why they need to pay you to achieve their goals or objectives. The most effective way to reach that point is to ask questions. Salespeople close more deals when they ask intuitive, probing questions based on customer....
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7 Key Benefits of Mock Calls Exercises for Sales Representatives
7 Key Benefits of Mock Calls Exercises for Sales Representatives How well you navigate your customer interactions can make or break a sale.  When you communicate well with your customers, you convey the value of your products persuasively. You're able to address any customer concerns empathetically and build rapport.  The better you are at tailoring communication, the more likely you are to close the deal.  One way sales teams can help reps refine these skills is through mock call exercises. These are simulated sales calls that allow sales teams to practice, hone their skills, and learn how to navigate potential challenges.  Let’s explore the role of mock calls in sales....
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Why Sales Teams Shouldn't Overlook Video Prospecting
Why Sales Teams Shouldn't Overlook Video Prospecting The paradigm of sales prospecting is shifting. Partly, this is a response to the global pandemic that swept the world in 2020, but it’s also down to technological advancements.  Video prospecting—that is, using videos as part of the sales process—has taken off in recent years. This dynamic approach has gained traction among the most forward-thinking sales teams.  The versatility of video prospecting knows no bounds. You can use it to introduce yourself and your brand to prospects, nurture leads, and deliver product demos.  What’s even better is that it can be used on any of your existing sales channels. Whether....
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Build Trust Through Communication: The Sales Managers Guide
Build Trust Through Communication: The Sales Managers Guide Do your sales reps often seem disengaged during meetings and underperform on targets? As a sales leader, have you noticed a lack of trust as a growing issue hampering productivity? This lack of trust and engagement may stem from insufficient transparency and communication from leadership.  One study has shown that effective communication can lead to a 72% increase in productivity, a 63% increase in customer satisfaction, and a 60% increase in employee confidence. Having a sales communication strategy is key for managing sales teams. When sales managers share goals, context, metrics, and insights openly, they demonstrate respect which builds trust.  Let’s take....
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