Sales Tips

Trends and Best Practices to Master SaaS Sales in 2024
Trends and Best Practices to Master SaaS Sales in 2024 As we continue into this year and beyond, the SaaS sales landscape continues to transform at a rapid pace. Field salespeople and their managers are at the forefront of this evolution, tasked with navigating an increasingly competitive environment. According to recent industry reports, the global SaaS market is projected to grow from $317.55 billion to $1,228.87 billion by the end of 2032, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.4%.  With numbers like that, it is easy to see why it is crucial for any sales rep working in SaaS sales to align their sales approach with leading....
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Expert Field Sales Tips: 50+ Best Sales Podcast Episodes from Outside Sales Talk
Expert Field Sales Tips: 50+ Best Sales Podcast Episodes from Outside Sales Talk There are a lot of sales podcasts, but there’s only one sales podcast focused on the unique challenges that outside salespeople encounter in the field as they sell to their customers face to face. My goal with this podcast was to get actionable advice from the experts that field salespeople can really use.  Over the past 7 years on the show, we’ve brought on hundreds of the top sales experts, and they’ve all discussed their areas of expertise with field sales in mind. Here's a list of some of the most valuable podcast episodes we did throughout the past ....
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10 Customer Experience Lessons B2Bs Can Learn From Disney
10 Customer Experience Lessons B2Bs Can Learn From Disney “Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it, they will want to come back and see you do it again, and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do.” - Walt Disney  Disney is known across the world for its exceptional customer experience (CX).  Boasting numbers such as a 70% customer return rate to its parks and the top retention rate across all streaming platforms at 78%, Disney stands out.  With an emphasis on the creation of “magical moments” for their customers, the....
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How to Use Video Content Throughout the Sales Cycle
How to Use Video Content Throughout the Sales Cycle Did you know that the average time spent watching online videos has surged over the past five years, and this trend shows no signs of slowing down? Salespeople can leverage this user behavior by creating informative sales videos showcasing their brand, products, or services. While using video for sales is an effective tool for online engagement, its utility extends beyond digital platforms. It serves as a valuable asset throughout the entire sales process, including face-to-face interactions. From initial contact to post-sale support, video serves as a dynamic medium to facilitate communication and relationship-building.  more effective and memorable customer interactions.  Let’s explore....
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How to Dress in Sales
How to Dress in Sales Did you know that it takes approximately a tenth of a second to form an opinion of a stranger’s appearance? These judgments are swift and often challenging to reverse. The truth is that your professional image hinges on your sales attire. Since you only get one chance, wouldn’t you like to make that first impression count?  In this guide, we’ll explore the transformative power of a sales dress code. If you want your clothing to set the tone for success, read on to learn more!
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