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Valuable insights, practical tips, and actionable sales strategies that will improve your sales performance!

10 Customer Experience Lessons B2Bs Can Learn From Disney
10 Customer Experience Lessons B2Bs Can Learn From Disney “Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it, they will want to come back and see you do it again, and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do.” - Walt Disney  Disney is known across the world for its exceptional customer experience (CX).  Boasting numbers such as a 70% customer return rate to its parks and the top retention rate across all streaming platforms at 78%, Disney stands out.  With an emphasis on the creation of “magical moments” for their customers, the....
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The Field Sales Management Playbook
The Field Sales Management Playbook Managing a field sales team comes with its challenges. Sales reps are out in the field for the majority of the day which means that for you as a field sales manager, you need to exhibit strong leadership and management skills that your reps will respond to even when you are not in constant contact.  96% of those who responded to the 2021 Second Nature Sales Coaching Survey said that effective sales coaching makes a massive difference in the performance of sales reps in the field.  Field sales managers know that having a detailed playbook to guide them through their....
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7 Key Benefits of Mock Calls Exercises for Sales Representatives
7 Key Benefits of Mock Calls Exercises for Sales Representatives How well you navigate your customer interactions can make or break a sale.  When you communicate well with your customers, you convey the value of your products persuasively. You're able to address any customer concerns empathetically and build rapport.  The better you are at tailoring communication, the more likely you are to close the deal.  One way sales teams can help reps refine these skills is through mock call exercises. These are simulated sales calls that allow sales teams to practice, hone their skills, and learn how to navigate potential challenges.  Let’s explore the role of mock calls in sales....
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Route Planning Strategies to Improve your Field Teams Success
Route Planning Strategies to Improve your Field Teams Success Finding the quickest path from point A to B can be both a challenge and an inconvenience.  The average American driver spends on average 51 hours a year stuck in traffic, according to the latest report from INRIX.  Good route planning saves both time and money, a fact known by outside sales and field service teams that spend large chunks of their days traveling in their cars. In this article, we dive into strategies for optimal route planning, ensuring you are optimizing your resources on the road and achieving the efficiencies your business deserves.
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Why Sales Teams Shouldn't Overlook Video Prospecting
Why Sales Teams Shouldn't Overlook Video Prospecting The paradigm of sales prospecting is shifting. Partly, this is a response to the global pandemic that swept the world in 2020, but it’s also down to technological advancements.  Video prospecting—that is, using videos as part of the sales process—has taken off in recent years. This dynamic approach has gained traction among the most forward-thinking sales teams.  The versatility of video prospecting knows no bounds. You can use it to introduce yourself and your brand to prospects, nurture leads, and deliver product demos.  What’s even better is that it can be used on any of your existing sales channels. Whether....
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