Technology in the hands

In just the last two years, Mapping Software has changed significantly. Sales Teams either had to use Printed Mapbooks,  software that only could be accessed on a computer, Mapquest directions, and GPS systems. On top of that they also had to use a CRM database and their schedule. These tasks have been known to make sales teams cringe and waste a lot of vital time. Recently a new Mapping Software came out that gives Sales reps the ability to use an application for their Maps, Schedule, and CRM database. This application is called Badger Maps. Badger is known for increased closed deals by taking the pain away from out of the sales process. Badger Maps has three major benefits that can help a sales team increase productivity and profits.

First, it is hard to figure out the best possible routes especially when there are so many factors to consider. Trying to figure out which customers to focus on, who to visit first,  how to minimize drive time while maximize valuable customer meetings - it can be a tedious process. One of the best things about Badger is that it automatically optimizes sales reps’ schedule and routes. This means that your sales teams will have more time throughout their day and will be able to meet with more customers and produce more sales. This feature alone cuts hours of planning and increases sales.

For a lot of sales reps, when mapping out their routes they do not factor in the time of day and traffic. Badger maps uses Google Maps to give its users live traffic updates so when the user is on route they can make quick alternative routes to ensure they get to their meetings on time. By giving the user the ability to see a live traffic feed, Badger ensures that its users have all the tools to make sure they are going to be on time to their meetings.

Badger Maps has changed the way sales teams plan their routes. The application has not only given reps more time in the field and instead of planning the route, they have the flexibility to be able to find alternative routes determined by the live traffic feeds. Badger Maps has changed the game and if sales teams want to get ahead of their competitors, Badger is the answer.

Want to learn about the benefits of using sales territory Mapping? Click here


Badger Maps, the Highest Ranked App in the B2B Sales Mapping Apps Category


Image credit to MatrixPlace, a sales consulting firm that wrote an Analyst Report on Sales Mapping Software

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