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These days, it’s impossible to be on top of your game without the help of apps designed to help you sell. Think of these apps as your personal team; they’re here to stay by your side throughout the day and take care of your tedious tasks. So the next time you surf the app store, make sure you’re assembling the right team on your mobile device.

But where do you start? How do you know which apps are going to give you a headache and which apps are going to provide the assistance you’re looking for? It’s tough to determine a comprehensive set of apps that take care of your every need. So, we did it for you. After researching popular apps that are best fit for field salespeople, we’ve created your ultimate tech stack.

Expand Your Business Intelligence


Find New Leads: LinkedIn Sales Navigator

The key to growth is new leads. Of course it’s absolutely necessary to stay on top of your current customers, but it never hurts to be on the lookout for new potential leads as well. This involves searches that target a certain industry or consumer, and there’s no better way to do this than by using the resources provided by LinkedIn. These days, millions of people have LinkedIn profiles stating their job title and industry. It turns out that these pieces of information are perfect for scouting new customers who may be interested in your product. Here’s what you can do with LinkedIn Sales Navigator:

  1. Find your leads: LinkedIn Sales Navigator filters out potential leads based on your preferences)
  2. Contact leads: You can contact these leads directly through LinkedIn without struggling to get ahold of their contact information separately)
  3. Keep track of your leads: You can connect your CRM and keep track of your sales activity with these leads)

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is available on desktop, iOS and Android, so there’s no need to worry whether or not it’ll be compatible with your mobile device or computer. They offer a month-long a free trial, which is plenty of time to decide whether or not LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a valuable tool for your sales.


Manage Your Customers: Salesforce

If you’ve worked in the world of sales, you’ve probably heard of Salesforce - and for good reason. Salesforce is a multiple-award-winning CRM with a wide range of tools at your disposal, and is widely integratable with other sales apps. You’ll be able to organize your customer data, track your progress with leads throughout the sales process, and create analytic reports. Here are just a few of the useful features provided by Salesforce:

  • Record customer details, including information stored in clients’ social media
  • Track marketing and sales progress with your leads
  • Email integration and email templates
  • Opportunities and quotes
  • Forecasting and Analytics
  • Chatter (instant messaging system)

Optimize Your Sales Routine


Mapping and Routing: Badger Maps

Badger Maps is the ultimate mapping and routing tool for individual field salespeople and sales teams. For starters, Badger creates and optimizes your routes quickly and easily, requiring minimal work on your end. You can finally say goodbye to tedious planning, and start using Badger’s user-friendly tools that are built to cut down your prep time. Badger ensures that you’re making the most of your day and visiting your customers in the most efficient way possible. For those of you who aren’t looking for a full-blown CRM, Badger also includes lead management tools. You’ll be able to visualize your customer data, track your sales progress with each lead, and even export reports. With a desktop, iOS, and Android version, Badger Maps is built to work around you. It’s compatible with your CRM, spreadsheets, navigation apps, and calendar, so you can easily and instantly fit Badger into your sales routine. Here are some of the features that you’ll be able to use with Badger:

  • Customer data visualization on a map
  • Route optimization with live traffic data
  • Record customer details
  • Export customer data and routes
  • Dynamic scheduling
  • Connect to your calendar, GPS, and navigation apps
  • Search for and gather information about new leads
  • Management view and route sharing
  • Weekly Reports
  • CRM integration


Stay Connected: Slack

Companies like LinkedIn, Dropbox and Airbnb - just to name a few-  are using Slack to simplify communication and stay fully connected within the company. With Slack, you’ll be able to do so much more than just chat. Slack gives you the power to share documents, create messaging channels, search through your conversations, and even make voice and video calls within the app (and for what it’s worth, it never hurts to be able to make custom emojis to send to your team members). You can download a free version with partial functionality, or try one of Slack’s paid plans that offer a wide variety of features - such as screen sharing, user authentication, guest accounts, more storage, etc.

Process Transactions


Sign Your Documents: DocuSign

If you’re a salesperson who stores most of your files digitally, chances are you’ve run into situations where you’ve wanted to sign a document without printing out all of your paperwork. For anyone who just read that and thought, “I’ve totally been there”, DocuSign is something to keep on your must-have app list. DocuSign gives you a secure, easy way to sign your documents, while integrating with over 300 applications and services (including Microsoft, Salesforce, Google, Oracle, and more). That way, you can connect to DocuSign and sign directly within these apps without ever needing to switch back and forth between apps. Less apps means less confusion, less confusion means less time wasted, and less time wasted means a happier salesperson, so consider giving DocuSign a try.


Manage Your Transactions: Square Point of Sale

For anyone who deals with transactions, Square Point of Sale is a useful app to keep in your technology toolbox. There’s no worse way to close a deal than to have a complicated transaction process.

Square Point of Sale is an app that can make this process as painless as possible by offering a one-step solution to carrying out your transactions. You can pair up the app with Square’s free card-reader that attaches to your smartphone, so you’ll have everything with you in your pocket. Just a heads up: Square lets you download the app for free and charges no base fee, but there is a fee for each transaction you make through Square. Here are some other features that come with Square Point of Sale that makes it a great investment:

  • Manages credit card, cash, check and gift card payments
  • Transaction history and printable sales reports
  • Adjustable taxes and discount management
  • Tipping by percentage or custom amount
  • Process full & partial refunds
  • Customizable loyalty programs and rewards
  • Printed, or digital receipts via SMS or email


Keep Track of Inventory: Handshake

If you’re a field salesperson with a large inventory to keep track of, you’ll want an app that takes care of organizing for you. That way, you can skip the headache that comes with sorting your products, while giving you and your customers an easier time looking through your products. Handshake is an app that smoothly handles all of your B2B deals by simplifying the process of tracking your items, creating a catalog, and processing orders.

With Handshake, you can monitor what inventory needs restocking, note which orders have been processed, update product details, and even use barcode scanning to keep track of your products. Whether you’re working in fashion, food and beverage, healthcare, or an industry not mentioned above, Handshake accommodates to your specialty and keeps you organized.

Manage Your Content


Store Content: Dropbox

No matter what industry you’re in, you’re bound to need a file storage system. If you’re looking for a way to keep your digital files organized, secure, and accessible, Dropbox does it all. It’s no accident that Dropbox serves over 500 million users. Apart from secure storage and file syncing, Dropbox is highly compatible with tons of apps so that you can easily integrate Dropbox with apps you already use (to name a few: Microsoft, Adobe, Salesforce, DocuSign, Slack, and Vimeo). Dropbox also encourages collaboration, and makes it easy to share and update files between multiple users. While there are multiple Business plans to choose from (with free trials!), you can also always get started with 2GB of storage space on Dropbox’s basic plan.


Scan Your Documents: CamScanner

If you’re a field salesperson, you have a tough choice: either add more weight to your load by carrying around a (pricey) portable scanner or have no way to scan your documents on the road. Luckily, apps like CamScanner have brought in a third convenient option: a high-quality scanner that’s built into your mobile device. Best of all, CamScanner offers a free version, so you can scan and store up to 200M of cloud space at no extra cost and with no extra space in your bag.

Need to store and send important paperwork without carrying around a stack of papers? You’ll be able to scan multiple documents, crop, enhance, and generate PDFs all in one app for free. If you’re looking to upgrade to a premium account, you’ll get to add watermarks, send document links with password protection, and auto-upload docs to Box, Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote, OneDrive, and OneNote.


Create Presentations: Keynote

To create a compelling argument, it never hurts to have a presentation to bring in a visual component to your sales pitch. Keynote is a fan favorite when it comes to easy-to-use presentation tools, and you’ll be able to create content that makes 5 minutes of minimal effort look like 2 hours of hard work. If you’re working with a team, Keynote has real-time collaboration features that shows live changes by your team members. You’ll be able to access Keynote on your Mac, iPhone, and iPad.

If you’re a PC user, no worries. Using iWork when logged into your iCloud account lets you access everything Keynote has to offer.

To help you get started, we found some free Keynote templates that are perfect for creating professional-looking business presentations in just a few minutes.

It’s time to rethink your sales tools and get the most out of your smartphone. With these apps, you’ll be fully equipped with tools that can help you at every part of your day. Each of these has a free trial or a free version, so you can try the apps out and see how they can improve your sales routine. Try out some of these apps (or all of these!) and see what your tech stack can do for you.

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