Steve Thompson - Sales Hall of Fame

Here at the Sales Hall of Fame, we honor some of the most distinguished professionals who continually inspire people with their cutting edge insights and intellectual influence.

Steve Thompson is a sales consultant, coach, and author. He holds an MBA degree from the Kellogg School of Management, has over 30 years of experience in Sales and has helped closed more than $15 billion in deals. As the CEO and founder of Value Lifecycle, Steve works with buying and selling programs around the globe. With his company, he helps organizations develop and present great value propositions to customers, and navigates them through negotiations.

Check out Steve's website:

Read his book: The Compelling Proposal: Make it Easy for the Customer to Buy from You

Sign-up for one of Steve's online sales training workshops:

Check out Steve’s Outside Sales Talk podcast episode here:


I have worked with Steve at multiple organizations implementing his proposal philosophy. I love how easy it is to follow, how logistical it makes your proposal, and most importantly how it gets my customers talking and sharing feedback during the presentation.

Brad Casdorph

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