Some Useful Shortcuts

→ PC

  1. F1: Help
  2. ALT+F4: Quit program
  3. CTRL+C: Copy
  4. CTRL+X: Cut
  5. CTRL+V: Paste
  6. CTRL+Z: Undo
  7. Control Y: Redo
  8. F5: Refresh the current window
  9. Windows Logo+M: Minimize all
  10. Windows Logo+E: Windows Explorer
  11. Windows Logo+F: Find files or folders
  12. ENTER: Equivalent to clicking the selected button (the button with the outline)
  13. ESC: Equivalent to clicking the Cancel button
  14. Control+Alt+Delete: use to terminate task

→ Mac

  1. Command C: Copy selected items
  2. Command V: Past items from the clipboard
  3. Command X: Cut selected items
  4. Command Y: Redo the last action
  5. Command Delete: Move selected items to the trash
  6. Command ?: Display the Mac OS X help viewer
  7. Command Shift A: Takes you to your applications folder
  8. Command Shift H: Takes you to your home folder
  9. Command Option Space: Opens the spotlight window
  10. Command Space: Opens the spotlight menu
  11. Command Shift 4: Screenshot
  12. Space: Quick look
  13. Command Option Escape: Force quit

→ Android Phone & Tablet

  1. Switch between apps: click the “recent” icon at the bottom of the touchscreen, or long press the home button.
    1. Switch an app by choosing from the list.
    2. To dismiss the list, touch the back or home icon.
    3. To remove an app from the recent list, swipe left or right.
  2. To add a lock screen widget, touch the “plus” icon on the lock screen. Add your chosen app, and swipe the screen to see others.
    1. To remove a lock screen widget, long press it and drag the widget to remove the icon.

→ iPhone & iPad

  1. Single click: Home button
  2. Double click: Multitasking
  3. Triple click: Invert colors
  4. Zoom in/out: Two fingers
  5. Slide down from top: Today and notifications
  6. Slide down in middle: Four recent apps and search
  7. Double touch: Bring apps down (most recent update)

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